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Going Full Static

June 18, 2020 10 min read

Too long to read

  1. Upgrade nuxt to 2.13.0
  2. Set target: 'static' in your nuxt.config.js
  3. Run nuxt build && nuxt export instead of nuxt generate
  4. That's it ✨

Bonus: you can run nuxt serve to run a local server serving your generated static application.

Table of Contents


Nuxt had the static generation feature with nuxt generate since v0.3.2 (November 2016), since then we have improved it in multiple ways but never achieved full static generation. Today I am excited to announce that full static export is now possible with Nuxt 2.13.

Current issues

nuxt generate is mostly pre-rendering, when you navigate client-side, asyncData and fetch are called, making a request to your API. A lot of users asked to support a "full static" mode, meaning to not call these 2 hooks on navigation, since the next page has been already pre-rendered.

Also, the developer experience is not optimal:

  • You have access to req or res on SSR but not when running nuxt generate
  • process.static is true only when running nuxt generate, making it slow to develop Nuxt modules or plugins for static generation
  • You have to specify all your dynamic routes in generate.routes, making it harder since you don't have access to nuxt modules there.
  • You cannot test the SPA fallback in development, the fallback is a client-only version of your Nuxt application that loads when hitting a 404 page
  • nuxt generate runs nuxt build by default, making it slower to generate your website if only your content changed

Note that it was possible to have full static support with nuxt-payload-extractor module but it was more verbose to use and had limitations.

New config option: target

To improve the user experience as well as telling Nuxt that you want to export your application to static hosting, we are introducing a target option in your nuxt.config.js:

export default {
    target: 'static' // default: 'server'

Running nuxt dev with the static target will improve the developer experience:

  • Remove req & res from context
  • Fallback to client-side rendering on 404, errors and redirects (see SPA fallback)
  • $route.query will always be equal to {} on server-side rendering
  • process.static is true

We are also exposing for modules author to add logic depending on the user target.

New command: nuxt export

To avoid introducing a breaking change for nuxt generate, we are introducing a new command called nuxt export: export your Nuxt app to static HTML in a dist/ directory.

⚠️ You need to run nuxt build before calling nuxt export

Crazy fast static applications

nuxt export will pre-render all your pages to HTML and save a payload file in order to mock asyncData and fetch on client-side navigation, this means no more HTTP calls to your API on client-side navigation. By extracting the page payload to a js file, it also reduces the HTML size served as well as preloading it (from the in the header) for optimal performance.

We also improved the smart prefetching when doing full static, it will also fetch the payloads, making navigation instant 👀

Crawler integrated

On top of that, it also has a crawler inside, detecting every relative link and generating it:

If you want to exclude a bunch of routes, use the generate.exclude. You can keep using generate.routes to add extra routes that the crawler could not detect.

To disable the crawler, set generate.crawler: false in your nuxt.config.js

Faster re-deploy

By separating nuxt build and nuxt export, we are opening a new range of improvements: pre-render your pages only if you content has changed, this means: no Wepack build → faster redeployments.

New command: nuxt serve

Once you statically generated your Nuxt app into dist/, use nuxt serve to start a production HTTP server and serve your static app, supporting SPA Fallback.

This command is perfect to locally test your static application before pushing to your favourite static hosting provider.

Preview mode

We do support live preview out of the box to keep calling your API:

// plugins/preview.client.js
export default async function ({ query, enablePreview }) {
  if (query.preview) {

It will automatically refresh the page data (calling nuxtServerInit, asyncData and fetch).

When the preview mode is activated, asyncData and fetch original methods will be called.


You can now run different commands depending of the target:

  • server
    • nuxt dev: Start the development server
    • nuxt build: Bundle your Nuxt application for production
    • nuxt start: Start the production server
  • static
    • nuxt dev: Start the development server (static aware)
    • nuxt build: Bundle your Nuxt application for production (static aware)
    • nuxt export: Export your application to static HTML in dist/ directory
    • nuxt serve: Serve your production application from dist/


  • We added export key in nuxt.config.js which is currently an alias of generate, it will take over for Nuxt 3
  • nuxt generate is being deprecated (but still working without any breaking change now) and will be removed for Nuxt 3
  • We added export hooks that are slightly different than generate hooks to improve module possibilities

What to do next

Nuxt Static Crawler Live Preview